We can’t stress enough how important it is to spay and neuter your pets. Kitten season is fast approaching and soon we will be inundated with pregnant cats and orphan kittens. In fact, we already have our first pregnant cat of the season.
March 12, 2022: Meet Lipton.
This beautiful girl is only two-years-old and has been living outside her whole life. However, she decided to change her fate one day when she walked straight into a kitten trap, set-up to trap some older kittens. The trapper quickly transferred her safely into a carrier, where she was assessed and deemed to be shy, but friendly. And of course, she was visibly pregnant.
We were asked if we had space and we were happy to oblige.
Lipton is doing great in foster and is a very sweet girl. Although she did arrive with an upper respiratory infection, which is not uncommon with cats living outside, she has been taking her antibiotics and vitamins like a champ. She’s feeling much better with all the TLC she’s receiving in her foster home. We aren’t sure how many kittens Lipton is having.
We’re so glad she’s safe inside, as we’re sure she is too. We don’t know how many other litters she has had, but we do know Lipton will never get pregnant again and her kittens will never know the hardships of street life. They will all be fixed and fully vetted before they’re ready for adoption.
Welcome to Home at Last Rescue, Lipton!
March 13, 2022: Lipton has been with me 30 days.
I’m not sure how much time she has left before delivery but I’m guessing they’ll be March Break Kittens.

March 17, 2022: Rushing Lipton to the vet.
For over 3 weeks she’s been leaking fluid. Ultrasound was done 3 weeks ago and babies looked strong and no signs of pyometria. We started antibiotics as precautionary. Last few days the leaking has gotten much worse and I’m not really feeling or seeing kittens movement. None of our rescue vets were able to see her but thankfully my personal vet was able to contact a clinic who agreed to see her if I could drop her off for a few hours. I hated leaving her there and my stomach is in knots right now. I’m really hoping for some luck on st Patrick’s day for Lipton and her unborn babies. Thank you so much Dr Rob Reid & @mississaugaanimalhospital for fitting her in. Prayers would greatly be appreciated
Thankfully my vet was able to go in to his clinic and between him and another vet a very thorough exam was done. The ultrasound showed 4 good heartbeats. The X-rays showed 6 skeletons. Vets cannot be sure but it’s possible it’s just harder to find the heartbeats for kittens 5 & 6 but there is always the sad possibility that they have passed. Other than that she seems to be doing well. Kittens look a good size and there was no gas bubbles seen. My vet and i discussed a C-section but since due dates are never set in stone we’ve decided to wait a few days and let nature take its course.
Thank you all for all the well wishes and prayers. She just needs a few more for a natural delivery and 6 healthy kittens.

March 19, 2022: 6 Kittens

March 20, 2022: RIP Miso
March 23, 2022: Meet the Soup Kittens