WILMA UPDATE November 4, 2021
Unfortunately, after spending several days in hospital, sweet Wilma crossed the rainbow bridge.
She was just too sick and weak to fight.
Her foster mom was with her until the end, so Wilma was not alone. She passed away knowing warmth and love.
Thank you to everyone who donated to her care. All funds received will be put towards her vet bills.
RIP Wilma 

Rescue is far more than those cute kittens up for adoption.
Meet Wilma. She is 12 years old and was found outside as a stray. Animal services was called, but couldn’t take her in as they were full.
We’re full too, but we couldn’t say no to helping her. Wilma is very thin, with a poor body condition and was covered in fleas. She has cloudy eyes and appears to have trouble with her vision. She bumps into things, but with the help of her foster mom, she is learning to navigate her new indoor space.
We wasted no time trying to find her owner, but to no avail. Wilma isn’t microchipped.
We took Wilma to our vet where she received a complete examination with full bloodwork. The bloodwork showed that Wilma is in kidney failure. While we wait for additional testing, we will start her on a special kidney food diet and any meds recommended by the vet.
Wilma is very sweet and enjoys affection. She clearly wouldn’t have survived outside in this condition for very long. Someone must have loved her at one time.
We’re not sure how Wilma found herself outside in this condition but we’re her family now. And we’ll do whatever we can to keep her comfortable, warm and happy.
We will be looking for a long-term foster home for Wilma. As she will likely need subQ fluids, being knowledgeable or willing to learn is necessary. More details to follow once all her testing is completed.
If you would like to DONATE to Wilma’s care, every dollar will be greatly appreciated.